Victoria Grizzlies Educational Advisors
The Victoria Grizzlies Jr. Hockey Club is known for its long history of competitive and skilled players as well as a strong supporter of their players’ educational aspirations. Education and development are core aspects of our junior hockey team. Answering questions posed by players and their families, to expediting numerous requests for player’s information from prospective universities and colleges, Butch Boucher, is always on the lookout for whatever ‘edge’ he can find in the quest of securing a hockey scholarship for our players.

Butch Boucher
2024-2025 will be Butch’s 18th season with the organization. He brings his wide-ranging background to his position as Educational Advisor for the team.
Butch (retired Navy) is a goaltender who plays on a number of recreational hockey teams and completed 115 games in 2012-2013. With his crotchety nature and unflagging enthusiasm he has become a unique asset in the player’s arsenal for the search for the holy grail of a junior ‘A’ hockey scholarship.
Butch Boucher

Paul Jaswal
In 2016, Paul Jaswal joined the educational staff to fill the void in the mathematical and sciences areas. He is described by past players as “knowledgeable, funny, and always has your best interest at heart and willing to help you succeed on and off the ice.” Paul has helped many ex-Grizzlies reach their best potential in schoolwork related to the math/sciences courses they are studying and is willing to do extra when they return from long road trips to catch up on school work.
Paul Jaswal