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Volunteer Positions

Volunteer Positions


The Victoria Grizzlies are looking for someone with high energy, good with the public, mobile, that can volunteer to be Grizz at home games, community events, school visits, etc.


GRIZZ Handler

The Grizzlies are looking for a volunteer that can work with Grizz at all the events list above. This person should be alert of the environment and safety around Grizz. Grizz has poor vision so special attention to small children and stairs are some of the obstacles Grizz may face.

Anthem Singers

Do you have a passion for singing? Well this is the position for you! As the game is about to start, you take center stage and sing O Canada and sometimes the Star Spangled Banner.Β  We’re looking for lots of singers so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us Today To Apply!

Phone: 250 385-1555
