Although the Clippers would kick the game off with a goal by Sheldon Rempal from there the Grizzlies owed the game, scoring three unanswered goals in the first period, first by Stefan Burzan unassisted, followed by at 16:59 Gerry Fitzgerald assisted by Myles and Jacob Kearley and to end the period Jay Mackie would put one past Jayson Argue to make it 3-1.
In the second the Clippers would come within one, but Grizzlies would add another one on the powerplay by Brandon Egli to make it 4-2 to end the second period.
In the final twenty minutes the Clippers would try and crawl back by Dillon kicked away 9 shots in the final frame while Captain Mark McLellan would net his first goal of the season to take the game 5-3.
The Grizzlies have yet to lose to the Nanaimo Clippers this year, currently 4-0 against them.
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